Psycho But It’s OK Novels- Hand, Monkfish


The fourth of the 5 children’s picture book that appeared in the drama, ‘Psycho But It’s Ok’. This was in episode 14.

Once upon a time, a beautiful girl was born into a wealthy family. The mother was happy that she vowed to do anything and everything for the child. When the child started eating, the mother fed her, when she started walking, the mother carried her.

Eventually, when the baby has grown up, the mother requested that the child takes care of her instead, But the child said claimed that she is unable to as she has never need to use her hands and legs and therefore they have disappeared. In anger, the mother shouted her child was not perfect after all and threw the child far away out in the sea.

Psycho But It’s OK Novels- Hand, Monkfish

ISBN: 9791190908689
Price: $28.00
Status: Pre order

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