Piano Heart K Pop & OST Collection 5


1. We All Lie (드라마 ‘SKY 캐슬’): 하진- We All Lie (Drama ‘Sky Castle’): Ha Jin
2. 홍연 (드라마 ‘역적 : 백성을 훔친 도적’): 안예은- Red Ties (Drama ‘Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People’): Ahn Ye Eun
3. 작은 것들을 위한 시: 방탄소년단- Boy With Luv: BTS
4. Goodbye: 박효신- Goodbye: Park Hyo Shin
5. Way Back Home: 숀 – Way Back Home: Shaun
6. The Sense Waltz (드라마 ‘눈이 부시게’): 김형석- The Sense Waltz (Drama ‘The Light in Your Eyes’): Kim Hyung Suk
7. 노래방에서: 장범준: At Karoke: Jang Beom June
8. 나만, 봄: 볼빨간사춘- Only Me, Spring: Bolbbalgan4
9. 주저하는 연인들을 위해: 잔나비- For Lovers Who Hesitate: Jannabi
10. 그때가 좋았어: 케이시- The Day Was Beautiful: Kassy
11. Fancy: 트와이스- Fancy: Twice
12. 옥탑방: 엔플라잉- Rooftop: N.Flying
13. 지나오다: 닐로- Pass By, About You: Nilo
14. 열애중: 벤- Love, ing: Ben
15. 아름답고도 아프구나: 비투비- Beautiful Pain: BTOB
16. 신용재: 하은- Shin Yong Jae: Ha Eun
17. 도망가지마 (드라마 ‘A-Teen’): 모트- Don’t Run Away (Drama ‘A-Teen’): Motte
18. 하루의 끝: 종현- End of a Day: Jonghyun
19. Power Up: 레드벨벳- Power Up: Red Velvet
20. 밤: 여자친구- Time for the Moon Night: Gfriend
21. 삐삐: 아이유- Bbi Bbi: IU
22. It’s You (드라마 ‘김비서가 왜 그럴까’): 정세운- It’s You (Drama ‘What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim’): Jeong Se Woon
23. 사랑에 연습이 있었다면: 임재현- If There Was Practice in Love: Lim Jae Hyun
24. 바람의 노래 (드라마 ‘고백부부’): 소향- Wind Song (Drama ‘Go Back Couple’): Sohyang
25. 모든 날, 모든 순간 (드라마 ‘키스 먼저 할까요? ’): 폴킴- Wind Song (Drama ‘Should We Kiss First?’): Paul Kim

Piano Heart K Pop & OST Collection 5

ISBN: 9788967211950
Price: $32
Status: Available

– Price inclusive of normal postage charge in Singapore.
– Please add $2.50 for registered mail.
– Overseas postage will be calculated accordingly.

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