Murphy, See How You Shine!


Murphy has always been different. He always feels like he does not belong. Yet he is a very special assistance dog. Will Murphy ever recognise that he can make the world a brighter place, in his own unique way?

This book was published to celebrate the unique individuality in everyone, and that each and every child is able to contribute in their own way despite their perceived imperfections. It teaches empathy and inclusiveness, important aspects in today’s fast pace world.

This book is designed to be dyslexic-friendly. It uses a sans serif font (with no tails at the end of the strokes), with a bigger font size. The spacing between letters and between lines is also increased so that the story offers an easier read.

The author, Chen Wei Teng, is a teacher at Northlight School, where many students struggle with learning, home and emotional difficulties in their daily educational journey. The book has been launched with great success at the National Library last year.

Murphy, See How You Shine!

ISBN: 9781948321396
Specs: 36 pages
Price: $14.90
Status: Available

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