Korean Through English Book 2

Korean Through English 2 (new)


This second volume is a companion to the first volume, Korean Through English 1. It targets intermediate learners who are advancing to the upper level. This is to help learners become more confident in using Korean language with accuracy and fluency.

Korean through English 2 consists of 25 lessons. Lessons 1 through 25 are made up of Vocabulary, Conversation, Grammar & Expression, and Exercise. Most lessons include “Let’s learn about Korea!” section at the end of the lesson. It is a supplement to help learners understand Korean culture more deeply.
In the beginning of every lesson, new vocabulary is accompanied by a short gloss in English which provide a general idea on the meaning of the words presented in the following dialogue.

In the conversation section, every effort has been made to provide both realistic and interesting circumstances. Authors have chosen to focus more on the everyday-life and modern cultural features which the learners are more likely to encounter.
Explanation of the grammatical items and expressions are covered in English. They are accompanied by examples in both Korean and English to illustrate how they are used in practice.

Exercises give learners opportunity to practice and use the new vocabulary and grammar presented in each lesson. Also, the cultural columns on Korea are supplements to help learners understand important aspects of Korean culture which might be unfamiliar to most foreigners.

Korean Through English Book 2

ISBN: 9781565913165
Price: $28

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