I Love Ost Piano Songbook Vol 3


웹툰 OST (Webtoon ost)
1. 99 (웹툰 ‘바른 연애 길잡이’): 스탠딩 에그- 99 (Webtoon ‘A Guide to Dating Right’): Standing Egg
2. 취기를 빌려 (웹툰 ‘취향저격 그녀’): 산들- Slightly Tipsy (Webtoon ‘She is My Type’): Sandeul
3. 밤새 (웹툰 ‘취향저격 그녀’): 카더가든- Overnight (Webtoon ‘She is My Type’): Car, The Garden
4. 내 마음이 움찔했던 순간 (웹툰 ‘취향저격 그녀’): 규현- The Moment My Heart (Webtoon ‘She is My Type’): Kyuhyun
5. 내가 많이 사랑해요 (웹툰 ‘달빛 조각사’): 이승철- I will give you all (Webtoon ‘Legendary Moonlight Sculptor’): Lee Seung Chul

드라마 OST (Drama ost)
1. Feel You (드라마 ‘악의 꽃’): 신용재- Feel You (Drama ‘Flower of Evil’): Shin Yong Jae
2. 지금 만나러 갈게 (드라마 ‘브람스를 좋아하세요?’): 지오디- Confession (Drama ‘Do You Like Brahms?’): God
3. 아직 너의 시간에 살아 (드라마 ‘사이코지만 괜찮아’): 이수현- In Your Time (Drama ‘Psycho But It’s Okay): Lee Suhyun
4. Happy (드라마 ‘브람스를 좋아하세요?’): 백현- Happy (Drama ‘Do You Like Brahms?’): Baekhyun
5. 듣고 있나요 나의 목소리 (드라마 ‘미씽: 그들이 있었다’): 먼데이 키즈- Do You Feel Me? (Drama ‘Missing: The Other Ide’): Monday Kidz
6. 숨 (드라마 ‘사이코지만 괜찮아’): 샘김- Breath (Drama ‘Psycho But It’s Okay): Sam Kim
7. 바람 (드라마 ‘비밀의 숲 2’): 가호- Wish (Drama ‘Stranger 2’): Gaho
8. In My Heart (드라마 ‘악의 꽃’): 임연- In My Heart (Drama ‘Flower of Evil’): Lim Yeon
9. 밤하늘의 저 별처럼 (드라마 ‘브람스를 좋아하세요?’): 헤이즈, 펀치- Midnight (Drama ‘Do You Like Brahms?’): Heize, Punch
10. 너의 달빛 (드라마 ‘브람스를 좋아하세요?’): 첸- Your Moonlight (Drama ‘Do You Like Brahms?’): Chen
11. 나도 모르는 노래 (드라마 ‘사이코지만 괜찮아’): Kim Feel- Hallelujah (Drama ‘Psycho But It’s Okay): Kim Feel
11. 널 사랑했던 한 사람 (드라마 ‘브람스를 좋아하세요?’): 펀치- Love Me (Drama ‘Do You Like Brahms?’): Punch
12. Close To Me (드라마 ‘브람스를 좋아하세요?’): 펀치- Close To Me (Drama ‘Do You Like Brahms?’): Punch
13. Whenever Wherever Whatever (드라마 ‘앨리스’): 벤- Whenever Wherever Whatever (Drama ‘Alice’): Ben
14. 월광소나타 + 생일축하(드라마 ‘브람스를 좋아하세요?’)- Moonlight Sonata + Happy Birthday (Drama ‘Do You Like Brahms?’)

I Love Ost Piano Songbook Vol 3

ISBN: 9791157803019
Price: $32.50
Status: Available

– Price inclusive of normal postage charge in Singapore.
– Please add $2.50 for registered mail.
– Overseas postage will be calculated accordingly.

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