Fly to the Sky- Continuum

FTTS- Continuum


01. We

02. 너를 너를 너를 (Title)

03. 니목소리

04. 전화하지말아요

05. So cool

06. 너

07. 알 수 없는 이별 (Feat.김나영)

08. 십년이지나도

09. Kiss & Saygoodbye

10. 거짓말 같다

Fly to the Sky- Continuum

Code: L200001019

Price: $21.00 (without poster), $25.50 (poster in tube)

Status: Pre-order

– Price inclusive of normal postage charge in Singapore.

– Please add $2 (for album or poster) or S$4 (for both album + poster).

– Overseas postage will be calculated accordingly.

Albums are sourced directly from Korea and contributes to the Hanteo chart.

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